Water Levels and Flows
The International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board is mandated to recommend objectives for boundary waters, to select and establish alert levels, identify potential problems for boundary waters, and to report on exceedances of these and trends of water quality and aquatic ecosystem health, however, contemporary water quality objectives for the boundary waters and alert levels for the Rainy-Lake of the Woods watershed have not yet been established.
This project will develop specific metrics for proposed water quality objectives and alert levels and provide a reporting framework for the Board to report on these, and trends of water quality and aquatic ecosystem health in the basin. It will also include a technical scoping for recommendations on establishing a multinational core monitoring program to support these objectives and alert levels for effectiveness monitoring, exceedance reporting, and adaptive management. This project is Phase II of a two-phase project wherein Phase I identified parameters for development of water quality objectives and alert levels.
Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation, IMA Agencies