New York Power Authority Crews Completing Ice Boom Installation 2020

2020-2021 Operation of the Lake Erie – Niagara River Ice Boom Report


The Lake Erie–Niagara River Ice Boom reduces the amount of ice passing from Lake Erie to the Niagara River. This prevents ice blockages from interfering with hydropower production and reduces the potential of ice damage to shoreline property. The New York Power Authority (NYPA) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) (collectively “power entities”) are authorized by the International Joint Commission (IJC) to use the ice boom. The International Niagara Board of Control (“the Board”) oversees the installation, operation, and removal of the ice boom. This report was prepared by the Board’s International Niagara Working Committee (INWC) from information provided by the Power Entities. Information collected by the INWC is used to inform the Board of ice boom operation for the 2020-2021 ice season.


International Niagara Working Committee