Frequently Asked Questions

The following provides information on frequently asked questions of the Board’s activities.

Please send your comments, suggestions, and questions to the Board’s secretaries: Contact Us.

This FAQ Site is organized with the following sections:  

SECTION 1: The International Niagara Board of Control (INBC) 

1.1    What is the INBC?
1.2    What are the principal provisions of the Directive from the IJC Constituting the International Niagara Board of Control (INBC)?
1.3    Who is the INBC?
1.4    How are members of the INBC appointed?
1.5    Does the INBC make formal votes on its decisions?
1.6    Does the International Niagara Board of Control regulate the water level and outflow from Lake Erie?
1.7    What is done to ensure that the public has input into INBC decisions?
1.8    Are records of INBC decisions accessible to the public?

SECTION 2: The 1950 Niagara Treaty

2.1    What is the 1950 Niagara Treaty?
2.2    What are the principal provisions of the 1950 Niagara Treaty?
2.3    What are the minimum flows over Niagara Falls?
2.4    How are the waters at Niagara divided between uses and Canada and the United States?
2.5    What happens when there is a minimum Treaty flow violation?

SECTION 3: The International Niagara Committee (INC)

3.1    What is the International Niagara Committee?
3.2    Who are the members of the INC?
3.3    How are the members of the INC appointed?
3.4    What is the relationship between the International Niagara Board of Control and the International Niagara Committee?
3.5    Why isn't there just one Board or one Committee that deals with all issues at Niagara?

SECTION 4: The International Niagara Working Committee (INWC)

4.1    What is the International Niagara Working Committee (INWC)?
4.2    Who is on the INC?
4.3    How are the members of the INWC appointed?

SECTION 5: The International Niagara Control Works (INCW)

5.1    What is the INCW?
5.2    What is the purpose of the INCW?
5.3    Who operates the INCW?

SECTION 6: Lake Erie - Niagara River Ice Boom 

6.1    Why do the Power Entities install an ice boom at the outlet of Lake Erie each winter?
6.2    Who approves the installation of the ice boom at the outlet of Lake Erie each winter?
6.3    What role does the International Niagara Board of Control play with respect to the ice boom?
6.4    Does installing the ice boom at the outlet of Lake Erie affect the length of the winter in the Niagara area?
6.5    Who owns and maintains the ice boom?
6.6    Who makes the decision as to when to remove the ice boom?

SECTION 7: Other Questions

7.1     How do the Power Entities (Ontario Power Generation and the New York Power Authority) get water from the Chippawa-Grass Island Pool to their respective hydro-electric plants at Queenston, ON and Lewiston, NY?
7.2    How does the operation of the third Ontario Power Generation tunnel affect levels and flows?
7.3    Can the flow over the Falls be stopped completely?
7.4    I have seen pictures of Niagara Falls being dry, doesn’t this prove that the Falls flow can be stopped completely?
7.5    Is it true that 1/3rd of the Horseshoe Falls is in the US?