Dockets - Applications & References

The IJC’s work come from documents received by the Canadian and US governments outlining the IJC’s responsibilities. These are known as applications and references and are organized by docket. Key documents such as letters from governments assigning work to the IJC, task force or study board reports to the IJC, and final reports and letters from the IJC to the governments are available from the website.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.

A Reference to coordinate the completion of the full scope of the IJC’s 2013 Plan of Study and evaluate and make recommendations regarding the Operating Plan contained in Annex A to the 1989 International Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America...
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A reference that the IJC examine bi-national governance of the Lake of the Woods and Rainy River. The International Joint Commission created the International Lake of the Woods and Rainy River Watershed Task Force (Task Force) on July 13, 2010, to examine and report to the IJC on the matters raised...
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A Reference to define the framework for operating international watershed boards as recommended by the Commission in its 1997 report, The IJC and the 21st Century.
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A Reference to investigate and make recommendations on water use and allocation, and management plans for the waters of river basins in the mid-west.
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Reference to investigate and report on the regulation, use and flow of the Souris River and its tributaries and the apportionment of water between the two countries.
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