2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll
The Great Lakes Water Quality Board completed its third Great Lakes Regional Poll in 2021. The 2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll results provide a snapshot of Great Lakes residents' views on topics including: the importance to protect the Great Lakes environmental health and water quality, and perspectives on the need to protect Great Lakes water quality for leisure and recreation, fish and wildlife, and the economy. The board polled Canadian and US residents in the Great Lakes basin with a telephone poll and online poll, and provides a cover letter to assist readers in navigating the results of the two polls. The 2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll results build on previous regional polling efforts by the Board done in 2015 and 2018.
Media Toolkit
Looking for an easy way to communicate and share the results of the 2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll? Visit our Media Toolkit page for infographics and key messages designed for you to use and share.
Briefing Booklets
The Great Lakes Water Quality Board prepared Briefing Booklets to provide decision-makers with a high-level overview of a selection of 2021 phone poll results. The Canadian/US Results Comparison highlights similarities and differences in select poll results by country. The First Nations, Métis and Tribal Nations Results Comparison highlights similarities and differences in select poll results by Indigenous affiliation.
Public Webinar
To summarize some results of the 2021 Great Lakes Regional Poll, the Great Lakes Water Quality Board hosted a 90-minute Zoom webinar on Thursday, December 9, 2021. To view the webinar slides, click here.
The video of the public webinar is below.