International Souris River Study Board to Host Public Meeting


Members of the public are invited to attend an open house hosted by the International Souris River Study Board (ISRSB) at the Grand Hotel in Minot, North Dakota on February 20, 2018.  The evening event is being held to share information about the Study and to seek public input on its draft work plan.

The International Joint Commission (IJC) appointed the ISRSB in September 2017 to complete the 2013 Plan of Study for the Review of the Operating Plan Contained in Annex A of the 1989 International Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America.

Over the next two years, the Study Board will:

  • collect and analyze data to support hydraulic and hydrologic modelling and other studies,
  • review operating rules to improve the language in Annex A for a clearer understanding and interpretation.

In its final report to the IJC in 2020, the Study Board will also recommend potential measures to reduce the risk of flooding in the Souris River basin.            

Public participation and feedback is an important component of the Study. The ISRSB encourages members of the public to learn more by attending the open house or by visiting its web page at Comments on the draft work plan may be submitted until March 12, 2018 at:

Important Links

Learn more about the Study

Register for the Open House

Submit feedback on the draft work plan: February 7 to March 12, 2018 

The International Souris River Study Board is an independent binational group established by the International Joint Commission to assist it with responding to the 2017 request from the governments of Canada and the United States to review the operating plan on water supply and flood control in the Souris River basin.

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For more information, please contact:

Gregg Wiche

US Study Manager

Phone: 701-250-7433


Bruce Davison

Canadian Study Manager

Phone: 306-975-5788
