International St. Mary and Milk Rivers Study Board to Hold Public Webinar on Review of Work Plan
As part of its ongoing public consultation process, the International St. Mary and Milk Rivers Study Board (ISMMRSB) is holding a virtual webinar on August 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM MT to outline its draft work plan and provide the public with an opportunity to share their feedback directly with the Board.
The work plan describes the history leading up to the St. Mary and Milk Rivers study and the study’s objectives. It explains how the ISMMRSB intends to conduct its work and achieve its objectives. The work plan also includes details about public engagement activities, how the ISMMRSB’s advisory groups and technical teams are organized, and how its study findings will be reviewed.
Those interested in attending the virtual webinar can register at this link: Virtual Webinar Registration. Please note the webinar will be recorded (view on Vimeo).
The ISMMRSB is welcoming feedback on their work plan through its open public comment period, which closes August 29, 2022. The ISMMRSB is planning additional public outreach webinars in late October as well.
Quick Facts
The comment period on the SDMMRSB work plan is open from July 28 to August 29, 2022. The public can share its feedback on the work plan by visiting the ISMMRSB website.
The ISMMRSB is conducting study and analyzing data to develop recommendations to improve each country’s access to apportionment (i.e. share of the natural flow of these watersheds). These recommendations will then be submitted to the International Joint Commission (IJC) at the study’s conclusion in 2025.
Associated Links
Paul Allen Canadian Section 613-222-1476
Edward Virden US Section 202-372-7990