2018 Alewife Count

Reports for 2018 are listed below, in chronological order


This is the first St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 9.  


The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring.  Other fish entering the trap are also documented.

The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since.  The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. A total of 4 river herring were recorded in the trap on May 9. 

Weekly trap reports will be issued Wednesday evenings following the final trap check of 11 PM. 

A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 9  # to date  (T = season total)
2017                  0
2016                  0
2015                  0
2014                  0
2013              342
2012              993 

Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 133


No other fish species were recorded as of May 9. 



You are being sent this weekly report because of your past interest in St. Croix anadromous fisheries returns. If you have specific questions, send them to Heather Almeda, the Milltown Project Manager, at staff@stcroix.org



This is the second St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 16.  


The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring.  Other fish entering the trap are also documented.

The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since.  The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. 13,029 river during the seven day period of May 10-16 bringing the cumulative year total to 13,033.  

Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening. 

A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 9  # to date  (T = season total)
2017                 369
2016                 125
2015                  16
2014                  7
2013                  704
2012                  1,336 

Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 1,397


Sixty-two white suckers, seven smallmouth bass, and one common shiner were recorded in the trap this week.   These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.  


You are being sent this weekly report because of your past interest in St. Croix anadromous fisheries returns. If you have specific questions, send them to Heather Almeda, the Milltown Project Manager, at staff@stcroix.org