International Red River Watershed Board to Host a Virtual Public Meeting – January 13, 2022
Grand Forks, North Dakota - The International Red River Watershed Board (IRRWB) of the International Joint Commission (IJC) will be holding its annual public information session, in person and virtually, on Thursday, January 13 at 10:30am CST as part of the Red River Basin Commission’s Annual Conference being held at the Alerus Centre in Grand Forks, North Dakota on January 11 – 13, 2022. The dual purpose of the public meeting is to present a brief overview of the IJC as well as the IRRWB’s current activities. IJC Commissioners and IRRWB Co-Chairs will be available to answer any questions related to the Board and key priorities related to binational water management in the Red River basin. The public will also have an opportunity to share their views and perspectives related to the board’s activities and water management in the basin either at this meeting or by contacting the board’s co-secretaries.
The IRRWB is one of seventeen committees and boards established to support the IJC’s efforts that are undertaken through the Boundary Waters Treaty, signed in 1909 by Canada and the United States to prevent and resolve disputes over the use of waters shared by the two countries.
Event: Public Information Session on Key Priorities/Activities of the International Red River Watershed Board
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Time: 10:30 a.m. (CST) – 12:00 noon (CST)
Location: Virtual: Join the Public Session Online: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/335025893
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Dial in United States: +1 (872) 240-3212; Access Code: 335-025-893 #
In person: Alerus Center 1200 S 42nd St, Grand Forks, ND
For information on how to participate in person, please visit:
Girma Sahlu, IRRWB Canadian Secretary, 306-564-4457
Scott Jutila, IRRWB US Secretary, 651-290-5631
Rebecca Seal-Soileau, 651-290-5756