Rule Curves and Temporary Orders
For information on the completed International Rainy and Namakan Lakes Rule Curves Study Board’s evaluation of 2000 Rainy and Namakan Lakes rule curves please see their website at:
A Short History of Orders and Rule Curves for Rainy-Namakan
In 1941 the IJC created the International Rainy Lake Board of Control (IRLBC) to examine and report on the issue of emergency conditions. On June 8, 1949, after detailed study and recommendations by the Board, the Commission issued an Order Prescribing the Method of Regulating Boundary Waters (Rainy and Namakan lakes). The Order established single rule curves for the water levels of Rainy and Namakan lakes, and also minimum outflows, in order to preclude (to the extent possible) the occurrence of emergency conditions. The 1949 Order was later amended by Supplementary Orders in October 1957, July 1970 and January 2000. In January 2001 the original and the three supplementary orders were consolidated into one document, which was adopted by the Commission as the authoritative text of, and replacement for, the original order and its amendments.
As of April 1st, 2013 water regulation is delegated to the Rainy and Namakan Lake Water Levels Control Committee (Levels Committee) which has exactly the same composition as the former International Rainy Lake Board of Control and authority to act independently.
The Consolidated Order of January 2001, specified a water level band with upper and lower rule curves for each lake, minimum outflow requirements under normal low flow conditions and a Drought Line, defining lake levels below which outflows are further reducible, at the discretion of the Levels Committee, down to absolute minimums. Under the 2001 Order the Companies were to normally target the middle portion of these bands.
For information on the current Order and Rule Curves please see the mandate page.
IJC Rule Curve Orders
September 13, 2018: Official Compilation of the Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes, 2018
March 1 2018: Order for regulation of levels on Rainy and Namakan Lakes; 2018
January 18, 2001: Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 2001 (Consolidation of 2000 Order)
January 05, 2000: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 2000 (revised rule curves)
July 29, 1970: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1970 (revised rule curves)
October 01, 1957: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1957 (revised rule curves)
June 08, 1949: Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1949 (first rule curves)
IJC Temporary Orders
March 3, 2023: Supplementary Order for the emergency regulation of Rainy and Namakan Lakes
May 14, 2022: Supplementary Order for the emergency regulation of Rainy and Namakan Lakes
March 18, 2016: Supplementary Order for the emergency regulation of Rainy and Namakan Lakes
Transmittal letter
February 27, 2007: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1988 (Reduced minimum outflows to deal with dry conditions)
October 29, 1998: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1988 (Reduced minimum outflows to deal with dry conditions)
August 21, 1998: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1988 (Reduced minimum outflows to deal with dry conditions)
June 24, 1988: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1988 (Reduced minimum outflows to deal with dry conditions)
April 29, 1987: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1987 (Reduced minimum outflows to deal with dry conditions)
June 14, 1977: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1977-2 (Modifications of 1977-05-04 Supplementary Order)
November 19, 1976: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1976-3 (Company request to alter minimum releases)
October 28, 1976: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1976-2 (Company request to alter minimum releases)
October 20, 1976: Supplementary Order for regulation of levels of Rainy and Namakan Lakes: 1976 (Company operational difficulties during dry conditions)