June 8, 2020: Spring freshet update – Kootenay Lake levels have crested
After a season of above average snowpack in the Kootenay Basin, inflows to Kootenay Lake peaked on May 31 at 114,600 cfs (3,240 cms). As of June 7, lake inflows were at 42,000 cfs (1,200 cms) and dropping. With decreasing inflows, Kootenay Lake level, as measured at Queens Bay, crested on June 4 at 1,750.1 ft. (533.43 m). The rate of water level decline on Kootenay Lake will depend on the rate of decreasing inflows and the potential for weather events that could bring precipitation and snowmelt to the Kootenay Basin, and may create additional peaks in flows and lake levels. Corra Linn Dam will be operated to draw the lake level down in a manner compliant with the IJC 1938 Order of Approval until the lake level at Nelson reaches 1,743.32 ft. (531.36 m), after which point the lake will be held below that maximum allowable lake level until September 1. As of June 8, the Nelson gauge is at 1,747.43 ft. (532.62 m).