Todd Sellers

Todd Sellers serves as a local member of our Watershed Board, on the Community Advisory Group, the Engagement Committee and is Canadian Chair of the Aquatic Ecosystem Health Committee. He was the 2016 Gerry Wilson Stewardship Award recognizing the outstanding achievements of individuals, groups, or projects that have made a significant contribution to environmental stewardship in the watershed.
As Executive Director of the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation, Todd has been leading the Foundation’s activities to initiate water quality research and the development of a water quality sustainability plan for the Lake of the Woods basin. He is a life-long summer resident of Minaki, ON, fishing guide on the Winnipeg River and a Past President of the Lake of the Woods District Property Owners Association.
Todd has a long association with the not-for-profit sector, having begun his career at the Rawson Academy of Aquatic Sciences, a national academy of Canada’s foremost aquatic scientists and environmental policy researchers. He holds a Master of Science degree in aquatic biology from the University of Alberta, with his thesis work on climate changeimpacts on lake trout being conducted at the Experimental Lakes Area east Kenora.