On May 30th, the International Joint Commission (IJC) hosted a one-hour virtual information session on transboundary water pollution in the Elk-Kootenai/y watershed.
During the session, IJC Commissioners and staff went over a short presentation as well as a question-and-answer period focused on the IJC’s role in the reference, actions taken to date by the IJC, and next steps.
If you were unable to attend or wish to view the webinar, you may find a recording here: https://vimeo.com/952186098.
You can also access the presentation here: ijc.org/sites/default/files/IJC_Elk-Kootenaiy_Webinar_Slides_30.05.24.pdf.
Additionally, the IJC hosted a one-hour public webinar related to the study of transboundary water pollution in the Elk-Kootenai/y watershed on Tuesday, August 6, at 6:30 p.m. MDT (5:30 pm. PDT).
The webinar included a presentation and question-and-answer period that will focus on the IJC’s activities to date related to the establishment of an IJC study board to report and make recommendations on water pollution within the Elk-Kootenai/y watershed, as well as the Commission’s role to provide assistance in the development of a Terms of Reference for a Governance Body.
If you were unable to attend that webinar or wish to view it, you can find a recording here: Public Webinar on the Elk-Kootenai/y Water Pollution Study - August 6, 2024 on Vimeo