If You Don't Measure It, You Won't Manage It! Measuring and Celebrating Incremental Progress in Restoring and Maintaining the Great Lakes


On October 22, 1997, the Great Lakes Water Quality Board (WQB) of the International Joint Commission (IJC) convened a public meeting in Thunder Bay, Ontario to provide key Lake Superior stakeholders an opportunity to interact with Board members on a timely issue. Approximately 50 people participated. The public meeting focused on one of the WQB's recommendations in the IJC's 1995-1997 Priorities Report (i.e., that the Parties and Remedial Action Plan (RAP) stakeholder groups adopt a step-wise approach to use restoration and demonstration of incremental progress in order to sustain RAP processes). The public meeting was designed to explore creative and practical ways of measuring and celebrating incremental progress with key stakeholders from Lake Superior RAPs, the Lake Superior Binational Program and Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP), and other interested individuals.
