Public Meeting Announcement - International St. Croix River Watershed Board
The International Joint Commission’s (IJC), International St. Croix River Watershed Board invites you to attend a virtual public meeting on January 24th at 6 pm Eastern (7 pm Atlantic).
The Board assists the IJC with general oversight of the shared St. Croix River boundary waters between Maine and New Brunswick.
The meeting is an opportunity to learn about the Board and to ask questions or raise concerns about water resource issues in the St. Croix River. Board co-chairs and board members look forward to your feedback at the meeting.
More specifically, the agenda will include an overview of the Board and its activities by the US Co-Chair Colonel Atilano, as well as presentations by invited speakers on water conditions in 2022, studies related to sea-run fish restoration, and news on invasive aquatic vegetation.
To participate in this virtual meeting please register using the button below (once you register, you will receive an email with login information). Participation is free.
All are welcome! Please circulate this invitation to others who may be interested.
Barbara Blumeris
U.S. Secretary
Nicole O’Brien, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Acting Canadian Secretary
International St. Croix River Watershed Board