The following article is from an archived newsletter. See our Shared Waters newsletter.

Watermarks from Georgian Bay

Jeff Kart
Ann Randall recording her watermark.

Watermarks are still rolling in. The IJC, in a partnership with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, is recording individual experiences about the Great Lakes as part of a Watermarks project. These are vignettes, in video and written form, about what makes the lakes special to people, and lasting memories they have.

For this month, we have new additions from the most-recent Great Lakes Public Forum in Toronto. Some of those from Georgian Bay, Ontario, include:

Anne Randell lives on Lake Ontario but spends extended summers on Georgian Bay. Her story: Georgian Bay has been the one constant in her family life, after moves and job changes, as “the place where we all come together.”

Dick Hibma has seen the bay change after living there for more than 60 years, from water levels to the landscape. But he couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. “It’s like a tide that pulls me back.”

Jody Macdonald recalls learning how to look after the water source at her cottage. “We had to drill a well and we had to make sure that we were testing our water, which was new for me because I’m from Toronto and we just used to turn on the tap.”

Find other Watermarks from the forum here, and submit your own.


Jeff Kart

Jeff Kart is executive editor of the Shared Waters IJC newsletter and a contractor to the US Section of the International Joint Commission in Washington, D.C.

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