The following article is from an archived newsletter. See our Shared Waters newsletter.

Watermarks: A Cherished Commissioner and Award-Winning Professor

IJC staff

This month’s Watermarks come from two special people. The first is from US Commissioner Dereth Glance, who ended her tenure last week and penned a farewell column reflecting on her time with the IJC. The second is from Michael Twiss, who has served on the IJC’s Great Lakes Science Advisory Board and its Research Coordination Committee since 2014. Twiss is a professor of limnology, botany and microbiology at Clarkson University in New York, and was recently given the Anderson-Everett Award from the International Association for Great Lakes Research.

The IJC’s Great Lakes Watermark Project includes these and other watermarks in partnership with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. Visit the site to see several wonderful stories posted in video and written formats by others, and submit yours today. You’ll see this project mentioned throughout the Great Lakes Public Forum next month in October.  If you’re there, visit our Watermark booth to join in the fun. Everyone has a Great Lakes story – what’s yours?

IJC staff

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