Basin Maps

The International St. Croix River Watershed Board works with basin stakeholders to help prevent and resolve environmental disputes. It reports on compliance with water quality objectives, pollution control programs and fishery restoration efforts. In addition, the Board ensures that privately owned dams on the St. Croix River at Forest City, Vanceboro, Grand Falls and Milltown are operated consistent with conditions set by IJC orders of approval. The Board also oversees the IJC order of approval for the dam located at Grand Falls in the adjacent St. John River basin. 

St. Croix River Basin map


Below are Links to Static Maps of the St. Croix River Watershed in Maine and New Brunswick. Click on the title of the maps to load the PDF. 

Base Map of the St. Croix River Watershed
Recreation Resources Map of the St. Croix River Watershed

Base Map                                                                                                                Recreation Resources Map 

Map of the Environmental Management of the St. Croix River Watershed
Map of the land use and land cover of the St. Croix River Watershed

Land Use/Land Cover Map                                                                                      Environmental Management Map