Reports for 2018 are listed below, in chronological order
This is the first St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 9.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. A total of 4 river herring were recorded in the trap on May 9.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Wednesday evenings following the final trap check of 11 PM.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 9 # to date (T = season total)
2017 0
2016 0
2015 0
2014 0
2013 342
2012 993
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 133
No other fish species were recorded as of May 9.
This is the second St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 16.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. 13,029 river during the seven day period of May 10-16 bringing the cumulative year total to 13,033.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 9 # to date (T = season total)
2017 369
2016 125
2015 16
2014 7
2013 704
2012 1,336
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 1,397
Sixty-two white suckers, seven smallmouth bass, and one common shiner were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
This is the third St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 23.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. 47,974 river during the seven day period of May 17-23 bringing the cumulative year total to 61,007.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 23 # to date (T = season total)
2017 30,315
2016 394
2015 142
2014 23
2013 882
2012 23,596
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 9,759
Fifteen white suckers, one smallmouth bass, and one brook trout were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
This is the third St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 23.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs. 47,974 river during the seven day period of May 17-23 bringing the cumulative year total to 61,007.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 23 # to date (T = season total)
2017 30,315
2016 394
2015 142
2014 23
2013 882
2012 23,596
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 9,759
Fifteen white suckers, one smallmouth bass, and one brook trout were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
This is the fourth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending May 30.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
130,537 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of May 24-30 bringing the cumulative year total to 191,544. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1,000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM. This is the highest recorded weekly trap count since 1996.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To May 30 # to date (T = season total)
2018 191,544
2017 74,425
2016 14,698
2015 32,779
2014 52
2013 11,424
2012 34,786
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 23,250
Four white suckers, two smallmouth bass, and one brook trout were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
Eight American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the fifth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending June 6.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
43,647 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of May 31-June 6 bringing the cumulative year total to 235,191. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To June 6 # to date (T = season total)
2018 235,191
2017 116,831
2016 27,479
2015 49,654
2014 20,023
2013 16,531
2012 35,961
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 59,411
76 white suckers, 13 smallmouth bass, and two fall fish were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
14 American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the sixth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending June 13.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
29,292 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of June 7-13 bringing the cumulative year total to 264,483. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To June 13 # to date (T = season total)
2018 264,483
2017 144,512
2016 30,517
2015 76,804
2014 26,798
2013 16,568
2012 36,158
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 42,995
Eight white suckers and five smallmouth bass were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
120 American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017. 124 Shad have been hand counted passing through Milltown as of June 13 2018. This is considered a minimum count as more shad may have passed during times of interval counting.
This is the seventh St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending June 20.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
7804 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of June 14-June 20 bringing the cumulative year total to 267,584. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To June 20 # to date (T = season total)
2018 7804
2017 8790
2016 2000
2015 11,871
2014 95
2013 83
2012 10
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 3067
87 white suckers, 20 smallmouth bass, and 2 brook trout were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
188 American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the eighth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending June 27.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
2163 river herring were hand counted during the seven day period of June 21- 27 bringing the cumulative year total to 269,747. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To June 27 # to date (T = season total)
2018 269,747
2017 157,089
2016 32,593
2015 92,492
2014 27,034
2013 16,674
2012 36,168 T
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 46,898
1 smallmouth bass was recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
47 American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the ninth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending July 4.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
821 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of June 28 to July 4, bringing the cumulative year total to 270,568. The trap was emptied each morning at 7am and fish were hand counted until the run exceeded 1000 fish recorded per hour; fish were then counted on ten minute intervals each half hour during times of heavy run and the trap was closed each evening at 11PM.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To June 20 # to date (T = season total)
2018 270,568
2017 157,660
2016 32,593
2015 93,308
2014 27,301
2013 16,677 T
2012 36,168 T
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 47,069
1 smallmouth bass, and 1 brook trout were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
23 American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the tenth St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending July 11.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
86 river herring were recorded using various means during the seven day period of July 5 to July 11, bringing the cumulative year total to 270,654. The trap was emptied and fish were hand counted each day at 10am and 4pm.
Weekly trap reports will be issued Thursdays following the final trap check of 11 PM each Wednesday evening.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To July 11 # to date (T = season total)
2018 270654
2017 157729
2016 32593 Needs to be checked –missing 2016 data
2015 93469
2014 27310 T
2013 16677 T
2012 36168 T
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 47094
1 smallmouth bass was recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
No American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017.
This is the eleventh and final St. Croix River anadromous fisheries report for 2018, covering fish counts at the Milltown (head-of-tide) fishway for the seven day period ending July 18.
The Milltown research trap is operated for an 8-12 week period each year to record the run of alewives (or gaspereau) and closely-related blueback herring, collectively called river herring. Other fish entering the trap are also documented.
The research trap and fishway were activated simultaneously on April 26, 2018 and the trap has been tended daily since. The first 2018 river herring ascended the fishway on May 9, within a week of the arrival of previous year’s runs.
5 river herring were recorded during the seven day period of July 12 to July 18, bringing the cumulative year total to 270,659. The trap was emptied and fish were hand counted each day.
A comparison of alewife/blueback herring returns to this date with other recent years:
To July 11 # to date (T = season total)
2018 270659 T
2017 157750 T
2016 33016 T
2015 93503 T
2014 27310 T
2013 16677 T
2012 36168 T
Ten year (2008-2017) average to this date: 47142
No other fish were recorded in the trap this week. These freshwater fish presumably dropped below the dam via open gates into the brackish water below and returned back up the fishway to the river.
No American Shad were recorded in the trap this week, an anadromous fish that was first recorded returning to the St. Croix in 2015 having not previously been recorded since 1998. Shad were recorded in the trap at Milltown in both 2015 and 2017; 11 Shad were recorded in 2015 and 54 Shad were recorded in 2017. 255 shad were recorded in 2018.