Study to Explore Upstream and Downstream Fish Passage Improvements on the St. Croix River


Aquatic Ecosystem Health

Project Description

In collaboration with state, provincial, tribal, NGO, and federal partners, the International St. Croix Watershed Board (ISCRWB) will initiate the first bi-national comprehensive effort to evaluate fish passage improvement opportunities and constraints at Woodland and Grand Falls dams on the St. Croix River. In coordination with ongoing efforts at Milltown with DFO and NB Power, among others, this study explores a range of upstream and downstream fish passage improvements on the St. Croix River at Woodland and Grand Falls and evaluates benefits to aquatic resources with assistance from resource agencies utilizing the IJC funded interactive tool for alewives and other tools as necessary. The study will deliver a report and presentation to the ISCRWB by the consultant on the fish passage opportunities and constraints at each facility.




DFO, NOAA, , Maine Department of Marine Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Services, Woodland Pulp, Passamaquoddy Tribe, Peskotomuhkati Nation, Province of New Brunswick