Data Harmonization
Several different entities and governments, including the IJC, are responsible for the management of, and setting regulations, permits and other requirements for the waterbodies within the St. Croix River watershed. This means that for many water users, managing water conditions to meet various permit and license requirements and other “soft targets” is becoming increasingly challenging, particularly during unusual weather events caused by climate change.
This project aims to ease this challenge by compiling IJC, federal, state/provincial, & local water license & permit conditions and requirements for water quality, water flow & lake levels, as well as other “soft targets” for water level or flow conditions for activities overseen by federal, state, provincial, or municipal authorities but not requiring a license or permit within the International St. Croix River watershed.
The purpose of this compilation is to help the Board to better understand current controls and constraints of water requirements/needs, to help inform future projects, to share with partners and watershed users, to raise awareness, and to avoid misunderstanding/tensions between users.
Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection, US Environmental Protection Agency, US Geological Survey, Others