Karen Cederwall
Ms. Karen Cederwall, Kenora Métis Council Senator, Métis Nation of Ontario member, serves as a local Canadian member of our Watershed Board. She sits on the Community Advisory Group and the Engagement Committee.
During her ten years working as a biologist and technician with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources on Lake of the Woods and its watersheds, she performed work relating to water quality, fisheries and wildlife assessment, and wild rice. She holds two Bachelor degrees and two Diplomas: HBSc in Fish and Wildlife Management from the University of Guelph, BA in Education from Queens University, Diploma of Nursing from Northern College, and a Aboriginal Resource Technician Diploma from Sault College.
At present, she works as a high school teacher for Seven Generations Education Institute in Kenora, Ontario. She is enrolled in the part-time Anishinabemowin Immersion Program through Sault College.