Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report 2022 Update


The report outlines changes that have occurred since the last report in 2014, focusing on the primary areas of concern in the watershed of nutrients and algae, contaminants, climate change, aquatic invasive species, and erosion/water levels. The report also highlights concerns about the health of the walleye fishery in the north end of Lake of the Woods and includes a new chapter on human health concerns in the watershed. This third edition of the State of the Basin Report contains information updated to December 31, 2021. It includes an assessment of progress since the last report in 2014, a gap analysis, and recommendations going forward.

The 2022 State of the Basin Report takes first steps towards “two eyed seeing”, by bringing together views of priority concerns and solutions through an Indigenous knowledge lens with one eye, while the other eye sees through a Western science lens. To this end, the project was led by two co-editors, representing western science and indigenous knowledge, each working with an extensive circle of expert advisors.

The development of this report is highly collaborative; the IJC via the IWI and the Board’s Aquatic Ecosystem Health Committee plays a multinational partnership role. Other leaders and partners who contribute to the development of the State of the Basin Report include the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation, Grand Council Treaty #3, member agencies of the IMA and relevant academic researchers. In addition to being provided with the proposed outline of the report earlier in the year, the Board, the CAG, the IAG and IJC Advisors were engaged in December 2021 to provide input on the draft report.

The Full 148 page version of the 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report is detailed and written for a technical audience.   

The Overview report of 32 pages, written for a general audience, highlights key information summarized from the 148 page full 2022 Rainy-Lake of the Woods State of the Basin Report, which is written for a more technical audience.

Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation