Rainy Lake Returning to Normal Levels


International Falls, MN, Fort Frances, ON — The level of Rainy Lake dropped below the IJC AllGates-Open level (337.9 m, 1108.6 ft) on August 7, 2014 and is expected to return to within the IJC Rule Curve by early next week. In anticipation of Rainy Lake levels returning to normal, flow from the outlet of Rainy Lake will be gradually reduced to target the middle of the IJC Rule Curves while minimizing the impacts of flow decreases downstream on Rainy River. Water levels downstream of the Fort Frances-International Falls dam will decline as a result of these flow decreases.

Levels on Rainy Lake peaked on July 1 at 338.74 m (1111.35 ft), the highest level since 1950, and have been steadily declining since then. Levels on Namakan Lake peaked on June 18 at 341.55 m (1120.57 ft), the highest level since 1968, and returned to the within IJC Rule Curve on July 21. Levels on Namakan have since been maintained to target the upper portion of the IJC Rule Curve until levels on Rainy Lake return to normal. Once both lakes have returned to normal levels, the middle portion of the IJC Rules Curves will be targeted.

The International Rainy – Lake of the Woods Watershed Board is hosting an open house on the Water Quality Plan of Study at 6pm, and a public meeting on water levels regulation at 7pm on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. These events will be held at the Theater, Rainy River Community College, 1501 Hwy 71, International Falls. All are invited to attend.

Up-to-date information can be found by following the International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board’s page on the IJC website, www.ijc.org or by calling 800-661-5922.