International Watersheds Initiative
As winter approaches, picturesque lakefronts can transform into frozen wonderlands. But the beauty of ice can turn ugly when ice jams form.
Recent data from an IJC-funded study suggests that important fish species in the Red River are swimming nearly its entire length throughout the year, crossing dams where fish passageways have been installed.
This year’s American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Conference in November focused on water resource management solutions, highlighting the latest outcomes of federal funding initiatives, lessons from multidisciplinary projects and best practices in design and…
The International Joint Commission (IJC) was created to help manage and recommend resolutions to water-related disputes along the shared Canada-United States border.
To mark the 25th anniversary of the International Watersheds Initiative, the IJC has developed a video looking at the program's creation, why it is needed and important, and how the IWI can help water managers and IJC boards deal with the ever-changing challenges of…
The IJC has a new showcase report reflecting on the 25th anniversary of the International Watersheds Initiative.