For a week in May, it wasn’t just the fish making a splash at the Windsor, Ontario, waterfront.
The following article appears in the fall 2023 edition of the Lakes Letter (pages 13-14), a publication of the International Association for Great Lakes research.
Ask a scientist what they do, and the answer may be confusing.
The International Association for Great Lakes Research was joined by eight other aquatic science societies for this year’s Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, held in May in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Approaches to ecosystem management in the Great Lakes are largely guided by Western science.
The International Joint Commission's Great Lakes Science Advisory Board is hosting a session on a Great Lakes Early Warning System (GLEWS) at the upcoming virtual International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) Annual Conference, May 17-21, 2021.
Now more than ever, it’s time to embrace binational cooperation to ensure that the waters and people of the Great Lakes basin are healthy.
The IJC’s first Triennial Assessment of Progress report was released in November 2017, as well as a Highlights report, a Technical Appendix and a Summary of Public Comment Appendix.