4.1 What is the International Niagara Working Committee (INWC)?
The International Niagara Working Committee (INWC) is a body that supports both the International Niagara Board of Control (INBC) and the International Niagara Committee (INC). Members and associates of the Committee obtain, compile and verify Niagara River water use data, conduct ice extent and thickness measurements on Lake Erie, among other duties. They also perform weekly inspections of the power facilities at Niagara in support of the INC.
4.2 Who is on the INWC?
The INWC consists of eight members, four from Canada and US. One of the four members from each country is appointed as a co-Chair. From Canadian side, the members come from Environment Canada, Ontario Power Generation, and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The US side members are from United States Army Corps of Engineers, New York Power Authority, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
4.3 What role does the International Niagara Board of Control play with respect to the ice boom?
The members are nominated by their respective organizations and then appointed by the INBC.