Past Public Consultations on Draft Work Plan
The comment period closed on July 28, 2017. Thank you for your comments.
The International Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Study Board oversees the activities of Option B of the Lake Champlain-Richelieu River (LCRR) Plan of Study (PoS), which the International Joint Commission (IJC) presented to the United States and Canadian governments in 2013. The Plan of Study outlines seven objectives, including evaluations of previous floods, potential floodplain management methods, flood-forecasting, studies of public perception of flood mitigation techniques, and resource response models. The Study teams are comprised of an equal number of members from Canada and the United States with various backgrounds in engineering and science, resource management or conservation, communications, social sciences, public outreach, public safety and information technology. The Study Board submitted a draft Work Plan to the IJC on May 31, 2017.