Declaration of 2020 Spring Rise on Kootenay Lake: April 25, 00:00 PDT
The International Kootenay Lake Board of Control, after consultation with FortisBC (re. Corra Linn Dam operations), has determined "the commencement of the spring rise" for purposes defined in Paragraph 2, (6) of the 1938 International Joint Commission Order on Kootenay Lake, will occur at 00:00 PDT on April 25, 2020. The maximum allowable level of Kootenay Lake will thereafter be calculated based upon the lowering formula defined in paragraph 2, (6) of the Order until the lake returns to elevation 1743.32 feet at Nelson on the recession limb of the snowmelt hydrograph.
The current level of Kootenay Lake, as of 07:00 PDT, is 1,739.21 feet (530.11 m), as measured at Queens Bay (1,738.58 feet at Nelson (529.92 m). Yesterday's inflow to the lake was 24,300 cfs (688 cms) and outflow was 18,500 cfs (524 cms). Outflow is currently being limited by the channel constriction at Grohman Narrows.
Through the freshet and until the lake falls to 1743.32 feet at Nelson on the recession limb of the freshet, FortisBC (the Applicant to the 1938 Kootenay Lake Order of the International Joint Commission), shall operate the Corra Linn control structure to provide for the lowering of the main body of Kootenay Lake as described in section 2(6) of the Order.
For reference, the lowest daily average Kootenay Lake level for 2020 as measured at Queen’s Bay was 1738.78 feet (529.98 m) on March 28, 2020.
The Order may be viewed here: https://ijc.org/en/klbc/1938-kootenay-lake-order.
If you have any questions about this declaration, please contact myself (Canadian Section Board Secretary), or Kevin Shaffer (U.S. Section Board Secretary, Kevin.P.Shaffer@usace.army.mil).