Regulation Plans
In this section, you will find narrative descriptions of the regulations plans. Regulation plans are written rules for making releases to regulate Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. Click on the links below to read about each plan.
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Baseline Plan - the current regulation plan, 1958D with simulated deviations (1958DD), is the baseline plan against which all other plans were measured.
Candidate Plans - options chosen by the Study Board to be presented with a full evaluation to the IJC.
NOTE: Plans A+, B+, and D+ are modified versions of Plans A, B, and D presented at the public meetings in the summer of 2005. Background on the original evaluation of Plans A, B, and D is provided in the summer candidate plan handout. A brief description of how the plans have been modified and the impact on the evaluation is provided in a brief comparison reportprepared by the Study Board.
Reference Plans - contain unique characteristics that warrant comparison to the baseline plan but were not considered valid options by the Study Board for recommendation to the IJC.
Interest Specific Plans - developed with a focus on a particular interest and generally resulted in disproportionate harm to other interests. They were not recommended by the Study Board as options plans for the IJC to consider.