Detailed scoping of requirements for developing an ecohydraulics model of the St. Marys River and prototype application to the St. Marys Rapids area


Aquatic Ecosystem Health

Project Description

The unique physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the St. Marys River, which is the outlet of Lake Superior connected to Lake Michigan-Huron downstream, provide for a rich and diverse environment that is a vitally important aquatic resource in the upper Great Lakes system. This project will involve developing an integrated ecosystem response model with simulated two-dimensional hydraulics (IERM2D) applied to the St. Marys River, and an initial prototype application of this model to the St. Marys Rapids area and calibrated/validated for a limited number of hydrologic scenarios. The project will include identifying critical objectives for the model and appropriate performance indicators; collection and documentation of all currently available data and models that could be used in support of this work; identifying gaps in this information and potential strategies and/or project that may be required; and development of a prototype version of the model for the St. Marys Rapids area. The model will be based on an existing 2D hydrodynamic model currently in development by USACE-Detroit and will have the potential to be extended to the full St. Marys River and a larger range of water supply scenarios).


